PIV Enablement Playbook

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This site is for the collaborative development of the Federal Identity, Credential and Access Management PIV Enablement Playbook.

How to Contribute

Thank you for considering contributing to our development of open and transparent FICAM guidance documents. If you’re unsure of anything, just ask or submit edits through an issue or pull request. We appreciate any sort of contribution and are committed to transparency and collaboration.

The source repository exists here.

We encourage you to read our LICENSE and our README, which exist within this repository.

We welcome contributions to the FICAM Playbooks in the form of requests, issues and pages:

  • Requests: You have identified a useful addition to the playbook which benefits USG Agencies
    • Open an Issue on this repository
    • State the recommendation
    • Include any links or other information
    • Discuss the request with other contributors
  • Issues: You have identified an issue with information on this site
    • Open an Issue on this repository
    • Discuss the Issue with other contributors
    • Follow the progress of the updates
  • Pages: You would like to contribute a page and content
    • Open an Issue on this repository, identifying the content you would like to contribute
    • Limit each Issue to one content topic
    • Fork the repository
    • Add a new Page or modify an existing Page with your suggested content, leveraging the guidance document template to maintain a consistent page structure across the playbook.
    • Submit a Pull Request, referencing the Issue Number

Direct changes and line edits to the content may be submitted through a “pull request” by clicking “Edit this page”. You do not need to install any software to submit content. You can use GitHub’s in-browser editor to edit files and submit a pull request for your changes to be merged.

General Practices

This content is Vendor neutral. Marketing materials for Commercial Products should not be submitted. If you would like to contribute a page or content which includes Commercial Products and specific references for development and engineering, please review the Commercial Product trademark or copyright guides from the Product Vendor and reference those guides in your Pull Request.

Plain Language

Contributors should consider the audience when submitting content. Plain language benefits a broad audience. Review your proposed content for use of acronyms and specialized jargon before submitting.


The idea for providing this content as open source, the contributing framework, and the licensing framework are based on work from 18F.