PIV Enablement Playbook

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How do I PIV enable my network logon?


This guide will take you through the steps necessary to configure your Windows based computer network to accept and potentially require PIV cards for authentication.

  • Your organization users are currently issued PIV cards
  • Your organization is using Microsoft Active Directory to manage your Windows network users
  • Your organization is using Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or 2012
    • Concepts will likely remain applicable to other versions of Windows Server, however, specific instructions may require modification
  • Your organization’s systems are configured to automatically receive certificate updates via auto-enrollment or some other technique

Before you get started

The following reference information may be useful or required for configuring your systems depending on your architecture. Some information will need to be obtained from the appropriate organization.

  • CA Certificate that signed the authentication certificates
    • The Federal PKI Federal Common Policy CA Certificate - the root CA Certificate created by the Federal PKI Management Authority (FPKIMA)
    • Subordinate CAs in the chain including the Certification Authority that issued the certificates - If your agency issues your certificates, it will be your agency’s CA certificate. If your agency’s certificates are generated by another organization, such as a managed service, you’ll need to acquire it from them.
  • Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL)
  • Authority Information Access (AIA) Locations

Complete the following tasks:


Elements of this guide were derived from a Microsoft Knowledgebase Article